Unlocking Revenue Potential: How Sports Teams Can Leverage 'Willingness to Pay' Data


In the competitive world of sports, understanding fan preferences and behaviors is crucial for maximizing ticket sales and enhancing the overall fan experience. One critical piece of information that often remains elusive through traditional ticket sales data is the 'willingness to pay' (WTP). This data can unlock new revenue streams and provide deeper fan insights, offering a game-changing advantage for sports teams.

Why Willingness to Pay Data Matters:

WTP data goes beyond basic demographics and past purchasing behavior. It taps into the psychological and emotional factors that influence how much fans are willing to spend on game-day experiences. This insight is particularly valuable because it:

  1. Identifies Price Sensitivity: Helps in understanding the price points at which fans are willing to purchase tickets, merchandise, or premium experiences.

  2. Enhances Fan Segmentation: Allows for more nuanced fan segmentation, identifying groups willing to pay more for certain perks or experiences.

  3. Drives Personalized Marketing: Supports tailored marketing campaigns, offering fans deals and experiences aligned with their indicated spending preferences.

Collecting Willingness to Pay Data:

Gathering this data requires creative approaches, such as:

  • Surveys and Polls: Conducting in-game or online surveys where fans can indicate how much they would pay for various ticket packages and extras.

  • Special Promotions: Running limited-time offers to test different price points and monitor uptake.

  • Engagement Platforms: Utilizing fan engagement platforms and social media to gather direct feedback on pricing preferences.

December 2023 Case Study:

We ran a promotion at the December 30th University of Texas WBB vs Baylor game and asked participants how much they would be willing to pay for floor seats if they became available. Fans filled out the form and provided contact information just in case said seats became available.

Gen Z women were willing to pay the most while Boomer men were willing to pay the least. Teams can use this data for insights, ticket sales, and marketing programs.

Willingness to Pay for Floor Seats

Based on input from 57 fans at a Texas WBB game on 12/30/2023

Implementing Data-Driven Pricing Strategies:

Armed with WTP data, sports teams can:

  • Implement dynamic pricing models that adjust ticket prices based on real-time demand and fan willingness to pay.

  • Create tiered pricing for various fan segments, offering a range of experiences to cater to both budget-conscious and premium-seeking fans.

  • Innovate in offering exclusive, high-value experiences to fans who indicate a higher WTP, enhancing loyalty and engagement.


In the age of data-driven decision-making, 'willingness to pay' data offers sports teams a unique opportunity to deepen their understanding of their fan base, tailor their offerings, and ultimately drive revenue in innovative ways. By embracing this approach, teams can not only boost their bottom line but also enrich the fan experience, fostering a stronger, more engaged fan community.

Syndesi can help teams scale their automation and segment their fan database through our promotions tool. If you’re visiting our site for the first time, you can signup here to run your first promotion for free!


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