Partners with Local Apparel Brand for Professional Golf Event Activation

Background, a leading software company specializing in digital marketing solutions, recently collaborated with a local Houston-based apparel brand to execute an engaging activation during a major PGA event in late March. The primary goal of the activation was to boost brand awareness, drive sales, and collect valuable customer data using's innovative software platform.


  1. Increase brand visibility and engagement during the professional golf event

  2. Drive immediate sales through on-site promotions

  3. Collect customer data for targeted marketing efforts

  4. Achieve significant revenue growth within a short timeframe

Execution and the apparel brand strategically placed five promotional signs with QR codes in high-traffic areas of the event's entrance, ensuring maximum visibility among attendees. The signs, deployed exclusively on Saturday and Sunday, featured enticing offers for a golf hat giveaway, enticing fans to participate.

Utilizing's software, attendees who engaged with the signs were directed to a dedicated landing page where they could enter the giveaway. Participants were encouraged to provide their contact information, demographics, and preferences in exchange for a chance to win. Those who didn't win were automatically redirected to a discounted hat page, resulting in 21 on-the-spot purchases.

In addition to the immediate sales generated, facilitated the collection of valuable customer data from 75 activated fans. This information included contact details, demographic insights, and product preferences, enabling the apparel brand to tailor future marketing campaigns effectively.


The collaboration between and the apparel brand yielded remarkable results:

Revenue Generation: The activation generated a total of 47 orders, resulting in $1200 of revenue after accounting for shipping costs and the $50 expense for signage.

Sales Conversion: Of the 47 orders, 21 were made on-site during the event, showcasing the effectiveness of's software in driving immediate sales through targeted promotions.

Post-Event Campaign: An additional 26 orders were generated in the subsequent week through an email campaign leveraging the contact information collected during the activation. This demonstrated the long-term impact of the activation in nurturing customer relationships and driving repeat purchases.

Revenue Growth: The activation led to an impressive ~400% monthly revenue growth within just one week, underscoring the effectiveness of the partnership in achieving substantial business outcomes.

Customer Engagement: Despite the data collection process, only 30% of attendees opted not to enter their information after encountering the form, indicating a high level of engagement and interest among participants.


The collaboration between and the Houston apparel brand exemplifies the power of strategic partnerships and innovative marketing tactics in driving business growth and customer engagement. By leveraging's software platform, the activation not only delivered immediate sales results but also provided valuable customer insights for future marketing initiatives. This successful endeavor highlights the effectiveness of experiential marketing strategies in connecting brands with their target audience and driving measurable outcomes.


Maximizing On-Premise Activations: A Guide for Brand Marketers


Unlocking Revenue Streams: The Power of Building a Fan Database